Find your garden story - and grow it

Put your whole self in your garden to create mindfulness, connections and a thriving ecosystem.


Our lawns need a purpose

Plant a garden on your front lawn and you’ll change the world around you. It’s not an exaggeration; it’s what happened when I decided to break the rule of manicured front lawns.

I created a front-lawn vegetable and flower garden out of necessity - it’s the only sunny spot on our small property.

I was very self-aware about it. But when people stopped in their tracks to look at the garden or talk to me when I was puttering around, I knew I had found my purpose.

You see, a garden is not just for our own enjoyment. It’s for others too - not the very least, local wildlife. Pollinators, birds, beneficial bugs, all desperately need a welcoming garden to thrive and multiply, especially in urban environments like mine.

Array of baked goods falling into basket.
Sweet pastries on stacked on tabletop.
Freshly baked bread with ingredients on cutting board.

Gardening my story

I didn’t know what my gardening philosophy was until very recently. And to be honest, I didn’t even realize there was such a thing.

When I stepped back one day to take in my hodgepodge raised bed garden, I was struck by how much it resembled… me.

Peppered with mistakes. Sprinkled with little pockets of joy. A bit chaotic. Experimental. Deliberate in spots. Purposeful.

And that was my true moment of clarity: We should all garden our own story and share it with the world around us.